Wednesday, October 2, 2013

notes from class

- we are not building a theory? I think that is pretty clear in the readings that we have done.

critiques of oppression. Why not a system?

Pragmatism - aggressive vs. Harding who is willing to take a step back.

Who is Harding calling on to inform theory - 
talking in circles

things in science created in hierarchical system  -- many different

Stance -- feminist method - public conception of science -- wrapped in

so the genre of the science report  - is there room for any reflexivity in the mode of writing that we write? samples follow a prescribed order....
not much flexibility - construction that takes values and puts them into "artifact" - value is that we work off of others'

Research as a social activity - domain rhetorics. Mirrors back to a social value that is being expressed. Understanding behaviors we are looking at when looking at writing studies.

Research - for quality and contribution - not so much, instead, reading for objective measures. 

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