Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Amann Cetina

consensus forming - acceptance of fact

"sense data" - test theories through experiments

underdetermination - data can never prove or disprove a particular theory

"evidence" cannot serve to as an "arbiter" - as it itself is contested

problematics of data?

natural sciences...evidence "embodied in visibility"

"seeing" and truth - we assume it is "truth-transporting"


Kuhn - ways of seeing - shared paradigms "correct" - grounded in research traditions

"What you see depends on where you sit" vs. "nothing is more difficult than to know exactly just what we do see"

"perceptual grammars" as shaping agents - what 'counts' as evidence?

"sense data" are constructed..."end product of socially organized procedures of evidence fixation"
"To "see an object is to recognize and at the same time to linguistically identify an object"

issue - "visually flexible phenomena -- boundaries at stake? good point for environmental systems!

translations - solidification of translations


data in labs/ evidence in scientific papers

"activity" in lab work
1. "enhancement"
2. "data" - separated out
3. evidence - data shared

- of note - tinker - to create 1.
- local relevance of pictures created
problems with "enhancements" serve as controls - unproblematic

data - act as a "basis for sequences of practice vs. observation at a glance
image as "working place" - "seeing as work"

machinery of seeing
ethnographic --
language evolves from images (contextualized)
language vs. conversational talk (interactive) - beyond translation of semiotics
dialogical/ interactive structure

machinery of seeing is talk - image analyzing -

1. Attached to object - - about and with an object

"the objects addressed by participants are also manipulated during these exchanges"

-- further complement the utterances

talk organized by documents inspected "documentary organization of talk"

2. embedded in series of exchanges - interconnected - series of displasy

image that integrates a series of exchanges...mediates it? - recursive, repeated visits to a problem

transactions - interactional talk - film

4. "reading" the film

asking questions - role of questioner/"author" of a film

interactional dissolution:
authors of film - informational advantage
 1. opening sequence - summons
2. information gathering/ question answer sequence

3. evaluative sequence
4. resolve/ performance recommendation


side sequences


Conversational devices employed in image analyzing exchanges

A. question - "which access and make public indexical information from eyewitnesses of a phenomenon

- author - questioned in iterative, stepwise fashion  as a "living archive"

followed by conclusion in form of interpretation.

5.2  Optical induction

socializing, interpreting

discussions of levels, etc.

exchange building the probes

oppositive patterns of interaction - feed upon or overlay other conversational patterns

Build an argument!


 - disagreement to create new knowledge
Preference for disagreement



109-110- issues of mix ups, manipulation & apparatus problems

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