Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Class notes

class notes -
- directionality - how something moves
- serial arrangement
- lateral representations (lizards - yet another in the series) - an examination of something different, no feedback loop ?

- no feedback

Difference of objects -- 

intentionality of putting ideas together - juxtaposition - image grammar
ideas about representation without discussion; semiotic potential

How knowledge is constructed - quanitative/ qualitivate - how things come to meet, how they ought to meet. "Rules" for graphic representation

We get, from our readings - how knowledge is constructed...methods by which this work is done

representations of representations of loop -- scientits - where do reflexivity stand...

overview of knowledge construction couched in analysis of representational modes.

Bricolage -
mix bag...linear process? research? system from the bottom up to top down?
Mixed methods
if we switch domains - what does that mean?
Very interesting - Lineaus - taxonomy - based on the reproductive ability of an animal.

so...what happens with the platypus? is difficult to "classify"?

The ideas that we create domains....various examples of contructing domains in time, across time - circumscribing domains.

Specific domains...have consensus about what something "real" is...

Language as mediating tool
Emerson - anything that is not part of mind - "not me" - language used to mediate the not mediate nature?

In that nature is the social ... talk is the mediating tool

Is this tied to difference or consensus?

Dialectic - social practice - social context

In Cetina -- the way in which knowledge is made.

Kuhn - talks about politics...why is it important to even look at DNA

Funding -- paying for reasearch - fame/ fortune/ status - all very political

So the idea - that questions that scientists ask are disinterested...not quite

The value of what we are going to look at...

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