Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Is there a text in this class?

Context - coming out of the New Critics
Caroline Porter - materialist, Marxist
Fish countered new criticism - facts in the text -- unquestioned - becomes radical
empirical moves are inappropriate

The Way in which language is used as a tool. Fish - helps us to understand how the utterance allows us to do different things, times, places. (similar to several others) Bakthin etc.

From class
When we think about sciences - relativism is "bad"
Clashing of discourse - especially now. Cultural work going on in moments even without community
Social and the anti-social - the way we create knowledge. Language - social work...whether or not someone can or cannot create language.

collaboration - literary
contradiction - science - productive "what is "productive" - relative term

Mediation that can happen in language -
University - sphere where you can say what you want - constraints

We object, then, to constructions that we can see through. So the United States of problematic.
How do we construct or be consistent

Denying that something isn't an interpretation.   Danger of assertions - this is not a scientific move.
retention - why dropping out. Issues of self performing.

Qualitative and quantitative - what are we constructing and why. Interrater reliability. What exactly does that tell us? Looking at what you REALLY have.

We are always dealing with mediation of the world through tools. Always stuck in realm in which "anything goes". Always acknowlege where we are. We do this in the humanities. Interpretation of data (which Fish introduces to us).

Do the same thing when we talk about science. Acknowledge where we are.

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