Wednesday, September 4, 2013

class notes

Questions about
dialectic in Werstch
Construction-ism - Piaget - development
critiqued by Vygostsky - critiques generation - dismantles old psychological ideas - (end paragraphs - own views based on Ls experiments).

Old model - sender and reciever - Saussere - no returning path
"trivial constructionist" - world acts upon a PATIENT - not agent - world is AGENT acting upon an individual

Lack of agency within that model
passive students - active teachers (create an environment in which knowledge is instilled)

Waldorf School etc.

trivial and more complex notions - dynamic exchange between 2 communicants -
moves beyond 2 (Habermas)

Vygotsky - mind and nature (includes everything that is part of the "not me" - Emerson - body part of not me - Cartesian)

dialectical relationship - psychological realism - Western World

"shimmering" between mind and nature - constant movement in which one thing is affecting the other
utterance affects the utterer - we are caught in time.
Pierce - we are caught in time - utterances across time - unlimited semiosis - constant iteration - changed across time - context

in between we get the mediation
trivial - mediation as a medium

WHEN WE TALK ABOUT CHANGE as a result of mode - move out of trivial

Haas - writing technology - is the mediation transparent? Affected by ppl writing during that period. Focused on mode/ medium/ technology that is a tool

Once you assume that you can't reify (make concrete something that is abstract) utterer utterance, interpreter, interprtent - stepped out of trivial constructionist

SCIENCE - trivial constructive - reify ideas.

Wertsch -
marxist (Craig) - lack of representation - Marxist dialectic is not at he heart of representation - no capacity for movement

tension - Western World - truth comes from religion (pre-enlightenment) - knowing - humans - heart - comes from god
notion - humans have "innate" abilities - where does it come from? genetic, nurturer, god?

Religion - Pierce - vehicles  by which knowledge is created

Vygostky dangerous to Czar -- no longer chain of being- no longer heirarchy

humans communicating - dismantle heirarchy - democratizing/ revolutionizing approach to the social

zone pd, internal we develop

Agency -- free will in the nontrivial conception
*ethos - assumption of right and wrong

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