Wednesday, August 28, 2013

notes from 8.28

social constructionism - tension: dialogue - power
atmosim - notion of social organization - individual's autonomy as opposed to the social

Always the tension - enlightenment vs. more religious eras

Foucault, these ideas bleed - not "neat"

 - constructivism - (trivial ) dominant mode? - transmission mode more dominant!

epistemic functions - rhetoric - linguistic turn away from objectivism change in way we think of things
way of framing work - how people exist in a social network
Vygostky - approach to human development - mediated activity - tools (language as tool)

Disciplinary Boundaries: different ways of constructing knowledge - biology vs. humanities

how the individual operates in society

De Certeau 
- tension between the individual and the social
- obscure background of social activity
 -rational inquiry
- lab is artificial - when dealing with world - power tied to loss of competence when the expert encounters everyday language - lose power

Issues of mass communication - DO we matter as individuals? Do we have a place of "importance'?
(myth - individual matters - discourse)

 His point -
Common man does matter - center our  inquiry there

strategy vs. tactics

issues of consumption - becomes the object of study
consumers becomes a main theme

facts are out there - what individuals do with that (they consume, but construct)

reductive? tools/ rules/ roles?

complicated notion of "making" - hidden - basing structure on consumerism

tactics - outside but inside - look at everyday practice to subvert - Spanish colonizers

Vygostsky only a tool when a tool in use

Choice - embrace and do it -- or develop arguments against that position
stasis theory - not discussing certain things at certain times
1. existence - did he steal my bike?
2. definition - I borrowed it
3. quality - extenuating circumstances - I took it to help someone
can start to see these patterns within scientific journals
p. 19 -
speech acts, reading, writing - places us in "strategy" and "tactic" world - ambivelent
discourse communities used to maintain power
force expert into world with common knowledge  - break down power boundaries
Language is way to fight against power.

strategy - (activity) generates relations with others distinct from it
tactics - (action) insinuates into other place - poaching - place and time (waiting for opportunity)/ pervert system to get what you need - not institutionalized - course of action

At end - trajectory going off track in a homogeneous manner

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